Mom Archetype #3 - The Nurturer | Ep. 108

Small Jar's "mom archetypes" celebrate the many strengths and gifts that we bring to this beautiful and crazy journey of motherhood. We love our kids so much, and we want them to be safe, happy and successful. "The Nurturer" is a mom who loves her children unconditionally. She has a high degree of empathy and provides a safe space for her children. She loves the purpose and fulfillment that comes with this role. There is a Nurturer in all of us, and these strengths have been a gift to our children. But these same strengths can make the Nurturer vulnerable to sadness as she feels her identity shifting as her kids grow up.

The Guardian. Achiever. Nurturer. Mentor. Which type do you lean into?
Take the Mom Archetype Quiz: