The Open Nest (Reframing the Empty Nest) | Ep. 115

Some of us dread the empty nest...others of us embrace it. No matter your perspective about that moment when your last child leaves home, us moms actually start the process of letting go much earlier. As soon as our kids hit puberty, we start to have to grapple with the reality that we can no longer have control over their safety, happiness or success. And in truth, balancing our at times conflicting desires to support our kids, help them thrive, and to feel like our role matters...this challenge can continue through the time when our own babies start having babies. In this episode, I reframe the conversation about the empty nest and share the three lessons that you have the opportunity to embrace so that you can step off the emotional roller coaster and create more peace, confidence, joy and fulfillment in your life. Where ever you are on your journey through the open nest, consider that although your birds might eventually leave home, they will come backā€¦.and as they seek their own happiness and successā€¦that invitation is open to you as well.