"I Don't Know" Mindset | Ep. 121

How often does the phrase, "I don't know," come to mind or out of your mouth?

I don't know how to get my teen to listen.
I don't know why my daughter is always angry.
I don't know whether I should get involved.
I don't know what I should do next.

Sound familiar?

There are some times where you literally don't know. In other words, there are facts that you don't have. Other times, we fall into what I call the "I Don't Know" mindset....when we tell ourselves that we don't know because we want to protect ourselves from pain. The problem is, when we tell ourselves "I don't know", and we fear the possibility of pain, what we're actually doing is staying stuck in pain.

In this week’s episode of the Small Jar Podcast, I dive into how to understand the "I Don't Know" mindset...and how to empower yourself to decide how to move forward.